
I made this blog for the people who are open-minded....so if you are not open-minded i would tell you to leave but close-minded people never admit it so just stick around even though you guys won't understand.....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Another Day In The Neighborhood

Greetings all.....If by some chance you are looking at I do have to say that you must not have anything else better to do....all hail boredom!!!


Okay first school sucked cuz Im sick and my mom told i could stay home if I wanted and my retarded ass told her "No mom,I have to take this test."I get to school only to find out that we dont get a grade for....we jus get put in our right english class (putting my head down)Im already in my right english class!!!So that was a huge bummer.for the rest of the day i just laughed alittle and slept......In one of my classes me and two other friends had an arguement on whether whales are fishes or mammals...I argued against mammals(even tho I knew i was wrong...I just like argueing)then they wanted to switch it up and argue about that whole evolution crap....Personally I dont believe we came from monkeys and thats just my opinion...sorry...you know what Im actually glad I made a blog....cuz its time to vent................................but not yet....gotta catch sleep


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